Saturday, 3 November 2018

Health Habits To Reduce TMJ Pain

Temporomandibular joint disorder is not just one disorder but is a heterogeneous group of disorders, often painful, sometimes painless/symptomless, that affect the temporomandibular joint and the surrounding head & neck muscles. The patho-anatomical dysfunctions of the TMJ have been defined as temporomandibular disorders (TMD), or TMJ disorders. But people (and even healthcare providers) often simply refer to this condition as “TMD.” 

TMD is far from a rare disorder. Actually, it’s one of the most common craniofacial pain disorders, after lower back pain and headaches. The European TMJ Association reports that it affects about 15 percent of the world population at any given time yet their aetiology and progression are poorly understood. The condition seems to affect more women than men; In fact, TMD is diagnosed in women five times more frequently than men. Hormonal, genetic, anatomic and behavioural differences have been linked to the disproportional ratio of women to men diagnosed, though more research is needed in that area.

What is TMJ disorder (TMD)?


TMJ is the anatomical abbreviation for the temporomandibular joint, which connects the lower jaw, called the mandible, to the temporal bone at the side of the head (skull). If you open your mouth after placing your fingers just in front of your ears, you can feel the joint on each side of your head. The TMJ is the one and only complex synovial joint that has a 3D movement and it regularly comes out of its joint socket (hinging and a sliding motion). When we open our mouth, the condyles (rounded ends of the lower jaw) glide along the joint socket of the temporal bone and when we close our mouths, the condyles slide back to their original position. Muscles are connected to both the temporal bones and the jaw, and a soft tissue disc (which itself is an extension of a jaw muscle) between them absorbs shocks to the jaw from the jaw movements.
TMJ is one of the most used joints in the body allowing us to talk, chew, cough, smile, swallow and sneeze. Therefore, it can be very painful when it gets inflamed and impact many aspects of normal activities.

Lifestyle Habits That Can Help Your Jaw


The researchers at the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research, UK stated recently, “Less is often best in treating disorders of this pesky joint.” It’s usually discreet, then, to try conservative treatments first.

Stay away from triggers: Certain activities (called triggers) strain the TMJ, making symptoms worse. In milder cases, resting the jaw is the most significant therapy. TMD symptoms may decrease in severity just by letting the overworked jaw muscles have some rest. If you’re getting popping or clicking when you open your mouth to laugh or yawn, try not to open wide for the next several days (holding a fist under the chin while yawning helps). 

Give your jaw a break: Stop eating hard foods and harmful chewing habits. Stop the amount of tough chewing with a softer diet. Switch over to soft foods like soup, cottage cheese and well-cooked, pureed or mashed fruit and vegetables or consider a liquid diet. Slice the food into smaller pieces so that you don’t have to open as wide to take a bite or chew as hard. 

Hot and cool therapy in a pinch:  If you ate something that wasn’t exactly TMJ-friendly or if it feels sore after a period of stress or grinding, a cold pack can provide you with much-needed relief. The cold may also be beneficial if you feel overheated from stress and helps reduce swelling as well as pain.

On the other hand, heat can be a wonderful way to relax muscles and increase blood flow. It can reduce muscle tightening and spasms. It may also meddle with your brain’s pain signals.

Whether you choose heat or cold may depend on your preference and specific needs. Some people who are “cold” in nature and will not like the sensation of cold on their face. You may have to do some trial and error:  do what feels best and listen to your jaw. If you’re not sure, it’s a good idea to ask your ‘neuromuscular dentist’. They can give you personalized recommendations for your comprehensive TMD treatment plan.

Try muscle relaxation exercises:  Try treating your jaw the same way you would do with a pulled muscle. Similar to a muscle that cramps from overuse, the jaw can cramp from too much use. Always consult with neuromuscular dental experts before doing any exercise. Simple exercises can help you relax tense jaw muscles and correct abnormal jaw positioning that can contribute to TMJ pain. All exercises should be done during TMJ-friendly time i.e. when you are not in pain.  While you are performing the exercises if your jaw starts to hurt, stop and rest. It’s better to do Jaw positioning exercises front a mirror so you can watch your progress. Massage therapy has also proven remarkably effective for TMJ related pain.

Check your stress levels: Stress is one of the largest contributors to TMD flare-ups. We frequently clench without realizing it. You don't need a spa weekend or a retreat to relieve from TMD stress. It can often be resolved by treating a root cause of major stress, discontent in work or problems at home, etc. Whether you crank up tunes, meditate, have a soothing bath or just a nice curl-up with a good book and a cup of coffee, and do what you have to do to bring your stress level down.

Sleep study: Sleep and TMD is a difficult Pair. When a person lies down, his lower jaw and tongue falls back a little. If due to a variety of causes including developmental issues the lower lacks adequate space to accommodate the full size of the tongue (even a fraction of millimeter less space) the tongue tends to partly block the airway (throat). This results in airway obstruction resulting in inadequate oxygenation of the body during night. Patients might have a complaint of DAY TIME SLEEPINESS even after 8 to 9 hours of sleep. During airway obstruction it has been noted that. A person tends to clench and move his jaw so that the airway opens for adequate oxygenation. This clenching is very detrimental to the teeth and the TMJ and subsequently the head and neck muscles. Hence a sleep study is done to record these abnormal events occurring during deep sleep. 

At Crystal Dental Centre, Dr. Abhimanyu Chaturvedi (M.D.S) has been dedicated in providing the best possible TMD treatment care since 2014. Dr. Chaturvedi is the first Neuromuscular Dentist in North India and SAARC nations to bring this science into dentistry and he got crystal dental centre NABH accredited which is the highest accreditation in India from Government of India that any medical establishment can achieve. By qualification, Dr. Chaturvedi has Masters in Dental Surgery (M.D.S) degree in the field of Conservative dentistry and Endodontics. Dr. Chaturvedi along with Dr. Rajesh Raveendranathan (TMJ specialist in India) bring to you the most advanced procedures and treatments for all your neuromuscular dentistry needs. Dr. Chaturvedi is also extensively doing research studies in neuromuscular dentistry, sleep medicine and postural analysis. He and his team have invest all their time in developing a new and advanced mode of neuromuscular dental facilities which includes Temporomandibular joint disorder treatment in Delhi, neuromuscular orthodontics, full mouth rehabilitation by neuromuscular principles etc. in Delhi and all of north India. Their TMJ treatments are extremely affordable and deliver the highest level of care. They use their extensive knowledge and experience, gathered over years, combined with the best dental facilities to provide the best non-surgical TMJ disorder treatment New Delhi, the entire North India and SAARC nations.

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Wednesday, 8 August 2018

Temporomandibular Joint Disorders (TMD): Check The Symptoms Before You Become A Candidate!

Have you ever experienced intense pain in your jaws which has been troubling for over a period of time? And has it been affecting all walks of your life, making it difficult for each moment for you?

Never do underestimate any of these pains especially when it comes to your dentition or gums. It can be one of the very intense conditions that can affect your jaws, bones and further bring in more complications- the temporomandibular joint disorders (TMD). So, be careful before you ignore the real trouble! Crystal Dental Centre is the only NABH accredited centre in India which is fully equipped with the armamentarium and have the specialist doctors required to treat neuromuscular disorders (NMD) and sleep disorders (sleep medicine). Our Neuromuscular dentists have specialised, extensively trained themselves and researched these disorders & their treatments “Non-Surgically”! Our TMD dentists bring to you the chance to rule out the chances of developing the TMJ disorder syndrome and to understand the cause(s) real signs and symptoms of TMD to know if you too have been affected by the same.

Temporomandibular Joint is the joint that connects the jaw bone with the skull. And when it happens to occur a chronic injury/irritation (due to a plethora of reasons) to the temporomandibular joint(TMJ) and the lubricating disc in the joint, there occurs intense pain and proliferation on either end of the jaw or the affected jaw only resulting in micro oedema, inflammation, nerve impingement, headaches and migraines, pain near the ear, a ringing sound in the ear (tinnitus) and a series of other symptoms.

The most common symptoms of the TMJ disorder syndrome include

  • pain/discomfort in the jaw/jaw joint especially while chewing food or opening your mouth wide
  • Clicking sound
  • snoring during sleep
  • Mild Ear pain
  • Bruxism or the habit of teeth grinding especially during sleep (which sometimes produces a sound)
  • Pain in the ear or the area around the pinna while chewing food, talking or even when opening the mouth to the extreme end.
  • Eustachian tube dysfunction can be caused due to intense infection or injury leading to ear balance issues. This can make it difficult for the person to walk properly and continue his/her life activities.
  • Lost tenderness and fatigues in the facial expressions
  • Locked or stuck jaw while talking or yawning
  • Pain starting from the jaw spreading towards the neck and back of the shoulders.
  • Nerve micro-inflammation leading to conditions from a regular headache to an intense migraine

Once you have confirmed more of these symptoms or signs in you, do not delay to worsen the condition. Crystal Dental Centre, being the best in TMJ / TMD treatment in New Delhi & India, do take care to provide you with the best of the treatments in this regard at the earliest. Crystal Dental centre has been accredited by National Accreditation Board for Hospitals and Healthcare Providers (NABH) and empanelled by The Central Government Health Scheme(CGHS) to meet the marks of quality and professionalism, providing the eminent standard treatment procedures to the patients. The eminent pack of specialised neuromuscular dentists at Crystal Dental Centre sort out the TMJ symptoms at the root level to ensure you the best recovery and cure, bringing back the glow of smile on your face.
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Wednesday, 13 June 2018

Smile Designing : Weaving Your Smile As You Want!

So, we begin our day with full positivity and the first look you have in the mirror will welcome you with the bright smile too! You spend the rest of your day radiating this positivity through your smile. At the end of your day, you smile at yourselves to tuck you back into a smile to wake up to the next morning. Smile has its important role in upbringing positive energy and confidence in you and the people surrounding you. But, do you have trouble in expressing yourselves through a smile? Crystal Dental Centre is here with the best of the solutions to help you regain your lost confidence and happiness through the novel strategy of SMILE DESIGNING.


 Smile Designing

It is the process of designing perfect smile for you according to the needs and purposes of the client. We, at Crystal Dental Care, the best in smile makeover in Delhi, design and put into effect, the needs of your smile. Smile designing includes different processes of dental whitening, tooth straightening, artificial dentition etc.


Smile Designing Cost..?


The cost of smile designing cannot be pre-decided as it is customised. For each patient, the needs and the requirements might be different and thus the resulting cost of the procedure too might be different. Still, at Crystal Dental Centre, we aim to get all the procedures done for the patient at costs fitting your pockets and results warming your hearts.


How Long ?

The smile designing procedure can take up to 3-4 weeks. But if implants are also involved in the procedure, it can extend to a couple of months.


Procedures in Smile designing


    • porcelain veneers and crowns
    • Shaping the chipped, broken teeth into shape
    • Straightening the dental line
    • In cases of missing tooth, artificial dentition is used
    • Dental jewellery (if interested)
    • Gum Lifting procedures
    • Teeth whitening
Tooth bleaching has been one of the prime specializations of Crystal Dental Centre in Delhi and finds an important space in the smile makeover procedures

Crystal Dental Centre has been very profound in the smile designing in Delhi with the substantial amount of testimonials from the patients. We do care to bring up your confidence and pride through smile designing, so delay not to reach us!

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Wednesday, 16 May 2018

Get An Aesthetic Look With Zirconia Crowns

A Crown is otherwise called a dental cap which is put on a tooth. Crown restores normal shape, size, and function of teeth. It is most preferred to make the teeth stronger and improve the aesthetic look.

Dental crown acts as a tooth cap to partially or completely damaged teeth and it securely fills the gaps, restores the smile. Fixing crown also improves biting and chewing habits that would positively impact on the body system such as the digestive system.

When & why is a dental crown necessary?

After completing a root canal, the tooth shall be covered with a dental crown in order to avoid fractures
  • To shield a weak tooth from breaking or holding together the parts of a cracked tooth
  • To uphold a dental bridge in its place
  • To cover a dental implant
  • To make a cosmetic change
  • To restore the broken and worn out tooth
  • To hide discolored tooth
  • To cover a large filling

How is a dental crown placed?

There are many steps involved in dental crown fixing. Minimum 2 dental visits are required to complete the treatment.
Firstly, the patient is locally numbed with anesthesia. Then, the dentist removes the outer portion of the affected tooth to fit the crown at its position. A dental impression is taken to provide the exact model for the crown.

Normally, at least 1-2 weeks will take to receive the permanent crown. So, a temporary crown is placed to protect the damaged tooth till the time. The temporary crown may be sensitive to cold and hot, so better avoid chewing, drinking or eating hot and cold food. And the color of the permanent crown will be as natural as an original tooth.

Once the new crown is ready, the dentist places it in the mouth by removing the temporary crown and makes the necessary adjustments. The patient will be asked to bite to check whether the crown is properly fixed. Once the fixation is confirmed, the crown is finally cemented in place.

If you would like to stick on to the best of the best crowns, then the ultimate option is ZIRCONIA Crowns. It is made of Zirconia which is highly durable & strong. Zirconia crown is more preferred than Porcelain fused to metal crown. Since the porcelain on the metal-ceramic crown can chip off while biting hard foods. Zirconia crown is made from a single block of Zirconia, as a result, it becomes the best tooth cap in Delhi.

Crystal Dental Centre, is a leading dental clinic in Delhi, providing all dental treatments in international standards. If you are looking for a crown fixing, then get low-cost Zirconia crowns at Crystal Dental Centre in a high quality. They are known for the best providers of dental crown in New Delhi.
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Thursday, 8 March 2018

We Care You For TMJ Pain

TMJ (or) the temporomandibular joint connects the lower jaw (mandible) to the temporal bone. These joints are flexible, move up and down, side to side and allow us to talk, yawn and chew. The muscle surrounds the jaw joint control its position and movement.

TMJ disorder is mainly responsible for the function and movements of the joint, the surrounding muscles. The TMJ specialist divides the TMJ disorder into three categories.

Myofascial Pain:
There would be a pain or discomfort in the muscles that control the jaw function.
Internal Derangement: The joint involved in the jaw movement may have displaced discs or a dislocated jaw or even a condyle injury.
Arthritis: This problem generally affects all joints and it causes inflammatory joints. These disorders may affect the TMJ.

Causes of TMJ disorder:

  • Severe trauma
  • Abnormal biting and chewing may increase the problem
  • Hormonal factors, especially in women sex hormone Estrogen is involved in TMJ occurrence. It has been revealed that lower estrogen levels may trigger TMJ pain to a higher extent.
  • Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid arthritis, Juvenile arthritis and other bone disorders may cause TMJ disorder
  • Teeth gritting, jaw clenching, nocturnal bruxism, psychological factors like stress

Symptoms of TMJ disorder:

When the jaw joint turns misaligned it can lead to many uncomfortable symptoms.
  • Back, shoulder and neck pain
  • Ringing or buzzing sounds in the ear
  • Dizziness
  • Facial or jaw pain, headaches, and migraines
  • Sore or sensitive teeth
  • Difficulty while eating
  • Jaw joint lock, unable to close and open the mouth
  • Pain while chewing

Treatments for TMJ disorder – Conservative method

Generally, TMJ is treated with conservative treatments as follows
  • Eating soft food
  • Using cold and hot pack on the neck and face
  • Regular exercise
  • Using anti-inflammatory and pain medicines
  • Stress reduction
  • Avoid using chewing gum in order to stay the jaw muscles stress-free

TMJ surgery is preferred only if

  • The conservative treatments fail to reduce pain
  • There is a strong advice that the surgery would benefit the patient
  • The advice is confirmed by getting the second opinion

Medications For TMJ disorder

  • Injecting Corticosteroids in the jaw joint to get temporary relief
  • Tricyclic anti-depressant works as a pain reducer
  • Muscle relaxants help to alleviate muscle spasms, relax face and jaw muscles
  • Using BOTOX injections to relieve pain caused by TMJ disorder
 Crystal Dental Centre, New Delhi provides a comprehensive dental treatment in International standards. Dr Rajesh Raveendranathan is a well-known TMJ specialist in Delhi and other TMJ doctors serve in the medical crew and treat the TMJ disorder patients successfully.
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Friday, 5 January 2018

Dental Implant, Never Hesitate To Smile Anymore...

In spite of the dental care, many people suffer from loss of a tooth or the issues related to the mouth. 

For so many past years, the only solution for the people with missing teeth was dentures and bridges. But, nowadays best dental implants in New Delhi are available.

How can dental implants be defined?
They are defined as the replacement of tooth roots. It offers a robust foundation for loose or permanent replacement teeth that are created to match with the natural teeth.
Advantages of Dental Implants

There are so many benefits of dental implants that include:
  • Improvement in appearance: It feels like that are your teeth. They are designed in a way that they naturally get permanent.
  • Improvement in talking:  With the weak dentures, the teeth might get slipped from the mouth that leads to mumbling words. Dental implants if done from Crystal Dental Centre, top dental centre in New Delhi, allow you to talk without worry.
  • Improvement in comfort: They become your part, implantation eliminates the discomfort of removed dentures.
  • Comfortable with eating: Slide dentures can make chew difficult. Dental implants function just like your teeth, which allows eating your food with confidence and without pain.
  • Improves self-esteem: Dental implant can give back your smile and also helps to feel better about yourself.
  • Durability: It is durable and also lasts for many years. With better care, most of the implants last a lifetime.
How successful are dental implants?

Success rates of the implantation depend entirely on where in the mouth the implant is placed, what is the oral hygiene status of the patient, are there any uncontrolled systemic conditions etc. but it usually has the success rate of up to 95%. With good oral hygiene and good systemic conditions, it lasts for years.

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Tmj Disorder Treatment Can Cure Your Jaw Pain And Headaches

Pain in the Jaws? Here's Something You Should Know Have you experienced pain in the jaws and severe headache at the same time? This ...